Weekly Journal of Ethical Hacking Part 9 DVWA
In this one, I will attempted to download DVWA. For this post, I will try to download with the help of friend’s walkthrough because the pdf walkthrough is confusing.
First, we would need to change the directory first to /var/www/html . Then download the github zip using wget. wget stands for “web get”.
After getting the zip, unzip it using unzip command and the filename.
The ls command is used to list the names of the files and folders within the file system. While mv stands for “move”, which mv command purpose is to move files from one folder to another. Because I already move the files into the folder, it looked like this.
The chown command changes ownership of files and directories in a Linux filesystem. The R stands for “recursive”. It’s purpose is to operate on files and directories recursively. Enter each matching directory, and operate on all its contents.
Service command is used for starting or stoppingĀ services by running a script. We will be running service mysql and apache2. ps aux returns the full command line of each process.
The last step for now is to install it. Write “Y” for all of it.
After this, you would need to put your Linux IP address to test if the installation is successful or not. Use ifconfig to find the ip address.
If it was working, it will be look like this.
We would need to open a certain file to continue our installation. Here is the steps:
gedit used to open this file:
You needed a recaptcha key for this. So let’s enter the link and get our key. I already make the site and get the recaptcha key.
Now put the keys into this file:
Then restart apache2 and service mysql.
Time to check if I have fixed the error. Open localhost/setup.php, and apparently there is two more error.
To change the allow_url_include, you need to get into php.ini first, so let’s do that.
At first I was confused how to open the php.ini file here. But apparently, I only need to used the Path written on Configuration File (php.ini) Path.
After using gedit php.ini, this file will appear.
Use search (Ctrl + F) to found allow_url_fopen and allow_url_include.
Turn it all into On and check if it’s work on setup.php. If it didn’t work, then it would means you have to change the settings in different php.ini.
Do the same process where you change all allow_url_fopen and allow_url_include into On, and it should be work now.
Now the next thing to do is fix the last error. It was kept inside the config.inc.php just like the recaptcha one.
Then change all of the settings for DVWA user.
After that, enter the mysql -u root -p to show the mysql setup. -u stands for username and -p stand for password.
After you filled all of the information, the MySQL data in Setup.php would change but the php gd error is not disappeared yet. Apparently you have to press Create / Reset Database
After click on that button, the login page would appear. This is what it looks like.
Open the README.md file so you would know what is DVWA username and password.
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